Italy Sends 20+ M109L Howitzers to Ukraine

  • Bureau
  • 05:49 AM, April 17, 2023
  • 1420
Italy Sends 20+ M109L Howitzers to Ukraine
Italian M109L howitzer in Ukraine @via open sources

Roughly two dozens of M109L guns transferred to Ukraine by Italy were spotted operating in the frontlines recently.

These howitzers were seen a few days ago at the Udine railway station heading to Ukraine are part of a larger batch, local newspaper La Repubblica reports.

The combined number of those yet on the move and delivered weapons is about 20, but there could be more. Sources told the newspaper that the actual number is twice as many: 60 howitzers are to be sent to Ukraine.

The Italian Army doesn't use its M109L artillery since it was effectively phased off by the German PzH 2000. The number of systems left in storage in Italy is unknown. The decision to donate them was made by the government of now-former Prime Minister Mario Draghi back in 2022. Cost of refurbishing the M109Ls before their transfer to Ukraine was borne by the United States.

The Italian version of the M109 howitzer is modified to the M109A3 standard but with a homegrown 155mm gun from Otobreda (Oto Melara). The Italian Army declares the following specifications for this howitzer: weight 28 tons, speed: 60 km/h (road), 25 km/h (off-road), firing range 24 to 30 km, operational range 320 km. The Italian gun can support a rate of fire at 4 rpm.

Ukraine already operates M109 donated by various countries, including Norway (in the M109A3GN variant), Latvia (M109A5Oe), and the United Kingdom. The United States also promised to send its modernized M109A6 Paladin howitzers to Ukraine in the January 2023 military aid package.

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Norway Ships 22 M109 Self Propelled Howitzers to Ukraine

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