Bharat Dynamics Develops System to Foolproof Missile Launches

  • Bureau
  • 01:15 PM, April 19, 2023
  • 1056
Bharat Dynamics Develops System to Foolproof Missile Launches
BDL's tweet dated April 19, 2023 @Twitter

India’s Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL) has developed a novel mechanism for releasing the umbilical of the missile during launch.

The company said in a tweet on April 19 that the mechanism ensures fool-proof firing of missile. A Patent has been filed for its creation.

Umbilicals connect a missile or space vehicle to ground support equipment on the launch pad before launch. They carry liquid propellants, cryogenic fluids, and pressurizing and purge gases. These are automatically disconnected shortly before or at launch.

Umbilical connections are also used between rocket stages, and between the rocket and its spacecraft payload; these umbilicals are disconnected as stages are disconnected and discarded.

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