Germany to Launch Negotiations with Israel to Purchase Arrow-3 Missile Defense System

  • Bureau
  • 10:29 AM, April 21, 2023
  • 667
Germany to Launch Negotiations with Israel to Purchase Arrow-3 Missile Defense System
Arrow 3 missile defense system

Germany has initiated talks with Israel’s defense ministry and state-owned Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) on the procurement of Arrow-3 system.

Israel and Germany’s Defense Ministries and Israel Aerospace Industries, have launched discussions regarding the drafting of an agreement for the procurement of the Arrow-3 system,” IAI confirmed in a tweet today.

Germany to Launch Negotiations with Israel to Purchase Arrow-3 Missile Defense System
Germany intends to purchase Arrow 3 defense system from Israel

The advanced negotiations were launched this week in Germany, with the aim of drafting a detailed agreement for the delivery of the Israeli Arrow-3 system to the German Ministry of Defense.

The Arrow 3 interceptor is part of the Arrow Weapon System (AWS) which is the world's first operational, national, stand-alone ATBM (Anti Tactical Ballistic Missiles) defense system. Based on the uniquely effective Arrow 2 and Arrow 3 interceptors, the Arrow modular air defense system detects, tracks, intercepts and destroys incoming TBMs carrying a range of warheads and over a large footprint, thereby protecting strategic assets and population centers.

The innovative Arrow 3 interceptor is designed to intercept and destroy the newest, longer-range threats, especially those carrying weapons of mass destruction.

Arrow 3 integrates seamlessly into the Arrow Weapon System (AWS) complementing the current and future blocks of the Arrow 2 interceptor, thus enabling upper-tier multiple engagement opportunities.

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