U.K. MoD Orders Eleven Saab Giraffe 1X Radars

  • Defensemirror.com Bureau
  • 06:31 AM, May 3, 2023
  • 1013
U.K. MoD Orders Eleven Saab Giraffe 1X Radars

Saab has signed two contracts valued $25.6 million combined for eleven Giraffe 1X radars including support with the UK’s Ministry of Defence.

The total order value is approximately SEK 264 million ($25.6 million) and deliveries have already started, Saab said in a release.

The acquisition of Giraffe 1X is largely for operational environments, whilst a single unit has been procured by the Royal Navy and will be mounted and tested on the XV Patrick Blackett. This ship is operated by NavyX to test, trial and experiment with new technologies and concepts.

Giraffe 1X is a lightweight, multi-mission, 3D surveillance radar for simultaneous air- and surface surveillance that provides commanders with quality air defence target data, drone (C-UAS) detection and Counter-Rocket, Artillery and Mortar (C-RAM) sense and warn within a single solution. The UK has a prominent installed base of Saab radars with ARTHUR (known in the UK as MAMBA) since 2004, and the largest fleet of land-based Giraffe AMB radars, which have been in-service since 2010.

This new capability for the UK has been procured on the basis of Giraffe 1X being the fastest and most effective solution available, with a proven capability that enjoys a high degree of confidence amongst Counter-Unmanned Air Systems (C-UAS) experts. The systems include continuous software upgrades based on Saab’s longstanding knowledge of our customers’ needs and the operational threats their deployed forces face.

The work is being carried out in Gothenburg, Sweden and in the United Kingdom, with system deliveries having commenced.

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