Russia's Modernized Strategic Aircraft, Tu-160M Commences State Tests

  • Bureau
  • 10:47 AM, July 6, 2023
  • 675
Russia's Modernized Strategic Aircraft, Tu-160M Commences State Tests
Tupolev Tu-160M strategic bomber @Rostec

Russia’s Rostec has announced the start of state tests of the first modernized Tupolev Tu-160M strategic missile carrier.

The first Tu-160M ​​strategic bomber built from scratch made its debut 30-minute flight on January 12, 2022. It is equipped with modern weapons, an electronic warfare system, as well as on-board electronic equipment developed using advanced instrumentation technologies.

The first experimental Tu-160M ​​was created as part of large-scale modernization program for long-range combat aircraft systems, which is currently being carried out by PJSC Tupolev.

These tests are carried out by joint crews from the Russian Ministry of Defense and the developer - PJSC Tupolev (part of PJSC UAC of the state corporation Rostec).

Related news: Modernized Russian Tu-160M Strategic Bomber Performs First Flight

The Tu-160 is a supersonic variable-sweep wing strategic missile-carrying bomber. Designed to strike enemy targets in remote areas with nuclear and conventional weapons. The Tu-160M is the world’s heaviest supersonic military aircraft to date.

The program of restarting the production of Tu-160 bombers in their upgraded Tu-160M version was launched in 2015.

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