USAF to upgrade Maverick missile inventories

  • 12:00 AM, September 7, 2009
  • 2879
Members of the 86th Munitions Squadron here recently upgraded their AGM-65 Maverick H-and-K-model missile systems as part of the Air Force effort to modernize its air and space inventories. With the help of an Air Force Reserve ammunition team and a Maverick Systems Program Office team from Raytheon Missile Systems, the company who created the missile, the project was completed in 10 days in August. The project enhanced the effectiveness of more than 70 missiles by replacing the software circuit card in the guidance control section. "Raytheon did an analysis on their software along with some live fire test at Hill Air Force Base, Utah," said Tech. Sgt. Michael Montaldo, 86th MUNS conventional maintenance section assistant NCO in charge. "They were hitting at about 83 percent, which wasn't good enough for them because they wanted to get closer to 100 percent," "They undertook a tracker study over the course of three years and determined that if they upgraded the software card into the existing stockpile, it would increase the missiles' accuracy".