IRGC Simulates Ballistic Missile Strike on Israeli F-35 Hangars in National Guards Day Exercise

IRGC employed enhanced versions of its Emad and Qadr ballistic missiles during the drills
  • bureau
  • 08:40 AM, February 14, 2024
  • 1360
IRGC Simulates Ballistic Missile Strike on Israeli F-35 Hangars in National Guards Day Exercise
Israeli F-35i “Adir” aircraft at Nevatim Air Force Base

Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) executed a simulation exercise on Tuesday, showcasing the use of ballistic missiles to target hangars housing Israeli F-35 warplanes.

The exercise, held on National Guards Day, aimed to highlight the IRGC's proficiency in ballistic missile capabilities.

During the drill, the IRGC employed enhanced versions of its Emad and Qadr ballistic missiles, specifically tailored to strike mock F-35 hangars within a replicated Palmachim Airbase. The missiles featured advanced explosive nosecones, increased range, and heightened precision.

State-owned media reported that the upgraded Emad liquid-fuel missiles successfully hit their targets, located 1,700 kilometers (1056 miles) away, with a margin of error of less than four meters.

Palmachim Airbase, situated 12 kilometers (seven miles) south of Tel Aviv, is a pivotal location for Israel's F-35 fleet.

The simulation unfolded against a backdrop of escalating tensions between Iran and Israel, with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reportedly issuing military threats during a recent visit to the airbase.

Brigadier General Abbas Nilforoushan, the IRGC's deputy commander for operations, warned Israel “against jeopardizing Iranian interests globally,” emphasizing Iran's readiness to react decisively to any acts of mischief by Israel.