U.S. Naval Air Systems Command Lift V-22 Osprey Grounding

The resuming of V-22 flight operations marks the end of one of the longest periods of grounding for the mishap-prone Ospreys
  • Defensemirror.com Bureau
  • 06:32 AM, March 9, 2024
  • 3429
U.S. Naval Air Systems Command Lift V-22 Osprey Grounding
V-22 Osprey cleared for flight by U.S. Naval Air Systems Command

Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) is issuing a flight clearance for the V-22 Osprey thereby lifting the grounding.

Maintenance and procedural changes have been implemented to address the materiel failure (identified as a possibe cause of the mishap that led to the grounding) that allow for a safe return to flight. The U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps, and U.S. Air Force will each execute their return to flight plans according to service specific guidelines.

In response to the preliminary investigation indicating a materiel failure of a V-22 component, the V-22 grounding was initiated on December 6, 2023. The grounding provided time for a thorough review of the mishap and formulation of risk mitigation controls to assist with safely returning the V-22 to flight operations.

In concert with the ongoing investigation, NAVAIR has diligently worked with the USAF-led investigation to identify the materiel failure that led to the mishap. Close coordination among key senior leaders across the U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps, and U.S. Air Force has been paramount in formulating the comprehensive review and return to flight plan, and this collaboration will continue.

This decision follows a meticulous and data-driven approach prioritizing the safety of our aircrews. The clearance is effective March 8, 2024 at 7 a.m. EST.

A U.S. Air Force investigation began following the tragic loss of eight Airmen during the November 29, 2023, mishap off Yakushima, Japan.

NAVAIR remains committed to transparency and safety regarding all V-22 operations. The V-22 plays an integral role in supporting our Nation’s defense and returning these vital assets to flight is critical to supporting our nation’s interests. NAVAIR continuously monitors data and trends from all aircraft platforms, so service members are provided the safest, most reliable aircraft possible. 

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