Belgium Gets U.S. Clearance to Buy Small Diameter Bombs for F-35 Jets

The contract is worth $115M
  • bureau
  • 10:50 AM, July 26, 2024
  • 1326
Belgium Gets U.S. Clearance to Buy Small Diameter Bombs for F-35 Jets
GBU-39 small diameter bombs

Belgium has received approval from the United States to procure Small Diameter Bombs for its F-35 fighters.

In a statement today, the Pentagon announced the approval of a possible Foreign Military Sale to Belgium involving Small Diameter Bomb-Increment II and related logistics support, with an estimated cost of $115 million. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) has notified Congress of the potential sale.

Belgium has requested up to 196 Guided Bomb Unit (GBU)-53/B Small Diameter Bombs-Increment II (SDB-II) All-Up-Rounds (AURs). The package also includes training equipment, spare parts, software support, technical documentation, and engineering services.

The equipment will maintain Belgium's F-35 fleet in a combat-ready state, acting as a deterrent to regional threats. Belgium is expected to integrate these resources into its armed forces without difficulty.

The sale will not affect the military balance in the region. RTX Corporation, based in Arlington, VA, will be the principal contractor for the deal.

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