Russian "Spy" Whale Found Dead Off Norway

Hvaldimir was first spotted in 2019 near Ingoya with a harness and camera mount.
  • Bureau
  • 08:58 AM, September 3, 2024
  • 1387
A beluga whale named Hvaldimir

A beluga whale named Hvaldimir, famous for its unusual harness and suspected Russian espionage ties, has been found dead near Risavika Bay, Norway.

Hvaldimir was first discovered in 2019 near the island of Ingoya, around 300 km (190 miles) from the Russian maritime border. It was then found wearing a harness with what appeared to be a mount for a small camera.

The harness strap was stamped "Equipment St Petersburg" written in English, which prompted speculation that it might have escaped from a Russian military facility.

Marine Mind, a Norwegian non-profit, had tracked Hvaldimir for years, calling it "a beacon of hope and a symbol of the deep bond between humans and nature."

The whale, nicknamed by combining the Norwegian word for whale with Vladimir Putin's first name, was known for his friendly behavior towards humans.

Moscow has not addressed the speculation about the whale's alleged spy connections.

Hvaldimir was estimated to be around 15 years old, with beluga whales typically living between 40 and 60 years.

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