Model of Italian Submarine Being Built for Qatar Shown for the First Time

The submarines are 12 meters long, 5 meters wide, capable of diving to 200 meters, and reaching speeds of 12 knots.
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  • 10:32 AM, September 11, 2024
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Model of Italian Submarine Being Built for Qatar Shown for the First Time
M23 C-Series Submarine @Navalnews

The Qatari Emiri Navy's new submarine, currently under construction in Italy, have made their first appearance.

These submarines, being built by M23 SRL in Bergamo, were recently showcased at the MSPO International Defence Industry Exhibition in Poland.

A model of the M23 C-Series design was revealed, and the submarines are also undergoing testing at La Spezia, a renowned site for midget submarine construction.

Contracted in January 2020 through Fincantieri, the submarines are being built at Ciserano, Bergamo, and will be transported 250 km to the coast.

The submarines are 12 meters long, 5 meters wide, capable of diving to 200 meters, and reaching speeds of 12 knots. They can carry 6 crew members and 6 special forces personnel, with a special hatch for covert operations.

Despite its compact size, the submarine’s beam provides it with a size comparable to larger models like the Iranian Ghadir Class.

The M23 design includes two torpedo tubes for heavyweight torpedoes, as well as the capability to carry Murena smart sea mines and launch loitering munitions.

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