Metal Storm wins contract from Canada for MAUL launchers,ammunition

  • 12:00 AM, November 9, 2009
  • 4820
Metal Storm Limited is pleased to advise that Metal Storm Inc. has received an order from Defence Research and Development Canada to purchase three Metal Storm MAUL 12 gauge Multi-shot Accessory Under-barrel Launchers together with ammunition. Further details will be made available upon approval by the customer, which is currently being sought. MAUL is a small 12 gauge 5 shot semi-automatic shotgun weighing just 800 grams that can be underslung on an assault rifle, fired stand alone with a shoulder stock, or as a pistol with its pistol grip attachment. Intended mission capabilities include door breaching, less lethal payload delivery for crowd control and law enforcement, as well as providing lethal ammunition options. Metal Storm Limited is a multi-national defence technology company engaged in the development of electronically initiated ballistics systems using its unique "stacked projectile" technology. The company is headquartered in Brisbane, Australia and incorporated in Australia. Metal Storm Limited technology and products are represented in the USA by Metal Storm Inc., which has offices in Arlington, Virginia. Metal Storm is working with government agencies and departments, as well as industry, to develop a variety of systems utilising the Metal Storm non-mechanical, electronically fired stacked ammunition system.