EADS to deliver two MSSR 2000 I IFF systems to BAE Systems

  • 12:00 AM, December 4, 2009
  • 7862
EADS Defence & Security (DS) provides the new "Canberra" class amphibious ships of the Royal Australian Navy with the latest technology identification systems in order to enhance flight safety and situation awareness. Defence Electronics (DE), an integrated activity of DS, has been awarded a contract by BAE Systems to deliver two MSSR 2000 I IFF (= Identification Friend or Foe) systems for the installation onboard LHD1 and LHD2 (LHD = Landing Helicopter Dock) by 2015. Their integration into the Combat Management System is done by SAAB. IFF systems, so-called secondary surveillance radars (SSR), precisely collect data such as origin, course, speed etc. of individual aircraft by automatically sending interrogation signals which are answered by so-called transponders on-board the incoming aircraft. Thus, the IFF systems ensure reliable identification of incoming aircraft substantially reducing the risk of accidentally attacks on friendly forces. This data exchange in the military field is based upon encrypted signals which cannot be analyzed or jammed by hostile forces. "Providing latest technology IFF systems like MSSR 2000 I increases situational awareness for allied forces" explained Bernd Wenzler, CEO of Defence Electronics “and therefore increases mission success and security for airborne and ground forces”. Defence Electronics has delivered many IFF systems to several NATO nations for ground and naval applications. For example, the MSSR 2000 I interrogator is operated by the naval forces of Germany, France, Norway and Finland for the military friend-or-foe identification (IFF). Furthermore, DS is also active in the field of civil Air Traffic Control. DE’s identification systems are used for air traffic control in such countries as Portugal and the Philippines.