UAE to buy $290 million guided bombs from USA

  • 12:00 AM, December 30, 2009
  • 4358
The Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress Dec. 22 of a possible Foreign Military Sale to the United Arab Emirates of Enhanced Guided Bomb Units and associated parts, equipment, training and logistical support for a complete package worth approximately $290 million. The Government of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has requested a possible sale of 400 GBU-24(V) 11/B Enhanced PAVEWAY III, 400 GBU-24(V) 12/B Enhanced PAVEWAY III, 400 GBU-49(V) 3/B Enhanced PAVEWAY II, 400 GBU-50(V) 1/B Enhanced PAVEWAY II, 800 MK-84 2000 lbs Bombs, 400 MK-82 500 lbs Bombs, 400 BLU-109/B 2000 lbs Bombs. Also included are containers, bomb components, mission planning software, spare and repair parts, publications and technical documentation, personnel training and training equipment, U.S. Government and contractor technical and logistics personnel support services, and other related elements of program support. The estimated cost is $290 million. This proposed sale will contribute to the foreign policy and national security of the United States by helping to improve the security of a critical and key partner, which has been, and continues to be, an important force for political stability and economic progress in the Middle East. This proposed sale supports the prior sale of the Block 60 F-16s to the UAE. The principal contractors are the Raytheon Corporation of Waltham, Massachusetts, and McAlester Army Ammunition Plant of McAlester, Oklahoma. There are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale. Implementation of this proposed sale will require the assignment of additional U.S. Government or contractor representatives to the UAE. The number of U.S. Government and contractor representatives required in UAE to support the program will be determined in joint negotiations as the program proceeds through the development, production, and equipment installation phase.