Patria awarded $79 million contract to upgrade four Finnish Navy missile boats

  • 12:00 AM, June 24, 2010
  • 3938
The Finnish Minister of Defence authorised the Finnish Navy to sign a contract with Patria concerning upgrade of Rauma Class Fast Attack Crafts built in the beginning 1990. The contract will be signed on 30 June 2010. The total worth of the contract is EUR 64.7 million. Patria will act as the prime contractor being responsible for planning of the entire upgrade, coordination of the subcontractor supply as well as whole integration. Patria subcontractors are among others Saab AB, Western Shipyard Oy and Kongsberg Maritime AS. ”This upgrade is a challenging project as it includes many different, new systems. We have during the last few years developed consequently our own system competence as well as our ability to lead and implement different systems integration projects. We are very contended of the trust the Finnish Navy has now expressed towards us”, states Pasi Niinikoski, President of the Systems Business Unit.