Saab has awarded contract for fighter aircraft for Sweden

  • 12:00 AM, August 18, 2010
  • 3493
Defense and Security company Saab has awarded Terma a 55 MDKK contract for the development and production of an upgrade of the Reconnaissance Pod System for the Swedish Air Force Gripen fighter aircraft. Terma will deliver software and components for the upgrade to secure full day and night operability and thus support an enhanced flexibility and capability of the tactical surveillance system. The program comprises design, production, and installation of new software functionality for the management of the sensors, structural modification of the pod lay out, upgraded functionality of the Power Distribution Unit (PDU) plus wiring harnesses. The first upgraded pods will be delivered in late 2011 followed by a test phase and additional delivery of the remaining pods. The update program continues the close and long-standing cooperation between Terma and Saab. In 2001, Terma was contracted by Saab to supply the round-structured pod, the Environmental Control System (ECS), the electrical systems, and the Reconnaissance Management System for the Reconnaissance Pod System for the Swedish Air Force Gripen Aircraft. The Modular Reconnaissance Pod System (MRPS) from Saab provides customers with a maximum of flexibility in tailoring the sensor suite to operational requirements for airborne tactical reconnaissance. It has provisions for both day and night capability, is designed for optimum performance, and can be carried on various aircraft platforms. The Gripen MRPS made its first flight in 2005. Gripen is a new generation fighter aircraft which employs the latest technology and the latest weapons, which delivers the capability for an extensive variety of air-to-air and air-to-surface operational missions, including reconnaissance missions. Gripen is in service with the Swedish, Czech, Hungarian, and South African air forces and is also ordered by Thailand for deliveries next year. The UK Test Pilots’ School (ETPS) is operating Gripen as its advanced fast jet platform for test pilots worldwide.