• 12:00 AM, February 4, 2011
  • 3552
Israel Military Industries Ltd. (IMI) will participate in the 8th International Exhibition on Aerospace, Defense and Civil Aviation, February 9-13, 2011 at the Air Force Station Yelahanka, Bengaluru, India. During the exhibition, IMI will display the DELILAH Ground Launched (GL), loitering guided missile, the MPR500, Multi-Purpose Rigid Bomb, the IFB500, Improved Fragmentation Bomb and IMI’s new SPECTRAL IR FLARES. In addition, IMI will also present the RED SKY 2, Very Short Range Air Defense System, offered as an upgrade to existing Man Portable Air Defense Systems, as well as, the Multi-Purpose Rifle System (MPRS) designed to provide infantry troops increased lethality and enhanced target incapacitation capabilities. The DELILAH GL is an advanced precision deep strike loitering missile, based on the combat proven Air-Launched, long range DELILAH missile utilized by the Israeli Air Force (IAF). Adaptable for both fixed and moving launchers such as IMI’s LYNX, Autonomous Multi-Purpose Rocket System, the missile is optimal against time critical moving and re-locatable targets on land or sea, in day/night or adverse weather conditions, with minimal collateral damage. The missile is powered by a rocket booster for the launch phase and a turbojet engine for the cruise phase, allowing long-range flight and loitering capability. In addition, the missile incorporates an advanced combined GPS satellite positioning and Internal Navigation System (INS), as well as, Real Time Imagery for man-in-theloop intervention and target validation, ensuring a nearly autonomous mode of operation. The MPR500 is a Multi-Purpose Rigid Bomb, capable of penetrating straight through four multi-level floors and double reinforced walls, while reducing collateral damage, making it optimal against challenging targets, such as bunkers and fortifications. The Bomb’s enhanced effects eliminate the need for heavier bombs such as the 1000 and 2000 lbs. GP bombs, thus increasing aircraft carriage efficiency and ultimately the number of targets engaged per sortie. The MPR500 is certified to all guidance systems and is identical in size and form to the MK-82 Bomb.