Sikorsky UH-60M Blackhawk Helicopters Sale to Thailand

  • 12:00 AM, July 17, 2011
  • 6996
The Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress Tuesday of a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Thailand for three UH-60M Black Hawk Helicopters and associated equipment, parts, training and logistical support for an estimated cost of $235 million. The Government of Thailand has requested a possible sale of three UH-60M Black Hawk Helicopters, eight T700-GE-701D Engines (six installed and two spares), Dual MXF-4027 VHF/UHF-AM/FM communication radios, AN/ARC-201E Export SINCGARS Airborne Radio, AN/AXP-117 CXP (Common Digital IFF Transponder), government furnished equipment, engineering change proposals, spare and repair parts, support equipment, publications and technical documentation, Aviation Mission Planning Station, Transportable Blackhawk Operations Simulator (TBOS). U.S. Government and contractor technical and logistics support services, aircraft warranty, Air Worthiness Release Support, Repair and Return Support, and other related elements of logistics support. The estimated cost is $235 million.