UXB International, Inc., the exclusive North American reseller of DYNASAFE solutions focused on the destruction of energetic materials, announces the Munitions Destruction System (MDS) for the disposal of small arms and light weapon (SALW) conventional ammunition up to 37 mm. Explosives devices such as fuses, igniters, detonators, signal ammunition, propellant powder and munitions components can also be processed. “The illegal spread of small arms and light weapons has an impact on national security,” said Harley Heaton, a vice president at UXB International and an expert in demilitarization technology. “Correctly disposing of the global stockpiles of small arms and light weapons ammunition is a practical and low-cost safety measure that we cannot afford to overlook.” The MDS indirectly heats the munitions to destruction. The system does not require the use of explosive counter charges to destroy munitions, which reduces the risk of accidental explosions and unexpected environmental release.