Forecast International estimates that the U.S. Defense Information Systems Agency will spend approximately $192 million on Global Command and Control System research and development activities in the coming decade. United States DISA budget documents indicate that the GCCS-J entered full sustainment in FY10. The GCCS is a command, control, communications, computing, and intelligence (C4I) system of the U.S. Department of Defense. The U.S. Pentagon designed the GCCS to be composed of multiple existing C4I systems. Consequently, the GCCS was and still is being created by selecting the best-suited C4I systems from the candidate C4I systems and migrating them into a single C4I system (the GCCS). An FY12 U.S. DISA budget document states that there is a renewed focus on the existing Global Command and Control System-Joint (GCCS-J) due to the termination of the U.S. DoD Net Enabled Command Capability Program. This renewed focus is reflected in the robust planned spending on GCCS-J from FY12 through FY13.