Bangladesh Navy Purchases New Generation Aircraft

  • 12:00 AM, July 28, 2011
  • 5090
Following customers in Japan, Norway and Germany, the Bangladesh Navy has purchased two modern Do 228NG (New Generation) turboprop aircraft. The aircraft will be used for maritime air patrol and rescue mission along the countries’ coastline. The two Do 228NGs are the first fixed wing aircraft to be purchased by the Bangladesh Navy for patrolling its coast line. For this purpose, both aircraft are being equipped with special equipment for maritime air patrol operations. This includes radio and navigation aid and other selected systems as well as rescue equipment. Cost-effectiveness and ease of use seal the decision in Do 228NG’s favour With the Do 228NG, RUAG Aviation has asserted itself against the competition. "The cost-effectiveness and, despite its sophisticated technology, ease of use sealed the decision in favour of the Do 228NG," enthuses Alexander Müller, Vice President Military Aviation Germany. In addition to the two aircraft, the contract includes comprehensive pilot and aircraft maintenance training for the Navy ground crew on location. Delivery of both aircraft is scheduled for early summer 2013.