First International Delivery: MH-60S Headed to Thailand

  • 12:00 AM, August 9, 2011
  • 3850
Two MH-60S Seahawk helicopters flew into the Port of Baltimore headed to the Royal Thai Navy, marking the first delivery of the MH-60 to an international customer. The U.S. Navy flew the aircraft from Owego, N.Y., to the Port of Baltimore, Md., ahead of their ocean voyage to Thailand. The aircraft were acquired via the U.S. Government's Foreign Military Sales program. "MH-60S 'Sierra' helicopters have proven to be highly reliable utility aircraft for the U.S. Navy fleet," said Michael Sears, the U.S. Navy's international H-60 deputy program manager. "We are honored to provide Thailand with the same capability, along with pilot and maintainer training, spares and logistical support." The new Sierra aircraft are an integral part of the Royal Thai Navy's fleet modernization program to augment the capabilities of six Sikorsky S-70B Seahawk and six marinized S-76B helicopters acquired through U.S. Foreign Military Sales in the late 1990s. The Navy has expressed interest in additional MH-60S purchases.