Raytheon Wins $42M Contract for MK 54 from US Navy

  • 12:00 AM, September 20, 2011
  • 2858
Raytheon, Integrated Defense Systems, Portsmouth, R.I., is being awarded a $42,640,122 fixed-price incentive, firm-fixed price, cost-plus-fixed fee, cost-type contract for MK 54, Mod 0 lightweight torpedo kit production. This contract procures kits, test equipment, spares, engineering, and repair services related to upgrades of Navy lightweight torpedoes. The MK54 Mod 0 lightweight torpedo is primarily intended as an anti-submarine torpedo in littoral scenarios. Its basic capabilities include operation in both shallow- and deep-water acoustic environmental conditions, using MK46 anti-submarine warfare capabilities in deep-water scenarios. The MK54 Mod 0 lightweight torpedo is an effective defense in the presence of threat countermeasures. Contract includes options, which, if exercised, would bring the cumulative value of this contract to $558,382,473. Work will be performed in Portsmouth, R.I. (80 percent), and Keyport, Wash. (20 percent), and is expected to completed by October 2015. Contract was competitively procured via Navy Electronic Business Opportunities website, with four offers received. Contract funds will not expire at the end of the current fiscal year. Naval Sea Systems Command, Washington D.C., is the contracting activity