BAE Systems Receives $9M Contract for ILAV from US Army

  • 12:00 AM, September 20, 2011
  • 4514
BAE Systems recently received a $9 million contract from U.S. Army TACOM to produce and deliver nine 2nd generation International Light Armored Vehicles (ILAV). The ILAV is a 4x4 v-shaped hull, mine protected vehicle used in several countries to fulfill a variety of roles. Under this foreign military sales contract, BAE Systems will provide six ILAV Explosive Ordnance Disposal variants and three ILAV Interrogator Arm variants. The company will also supply repair parts for the fleet of Interrogator Arm variants. Work on this contract began in August and is anticipated to be complete in May 2012. A significant portion of the work will be performed by Force Protection Industries, Inc. and Spartan Chassis. Work will also be performed at BAE Systems’ facilities in Aiken, S.C. and York, Pa. Since 2006, more than 700 ILAVs have been produced and delivered to U.S. and foreign allies. The ILAV has five variants which include: International Light Armored Vehicle (base vehicle), Interrogator Arm, Explosive Ordnance Disposal, Joint Surrogate Vehicle and MRAP Training.