India Prepares To Test Launch Agni-5

  • 12:00 AM, February 14, 2012
  • 4192
India is hoping to launch its new intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) called Agni-5, capable of carrying nuclear warheads, in March, a national Indian daily has said. "Integration of Agni-5 is on, one at Hyderabad and the other at Wheeler Island. Later part of March we will be launching this ICBM,” Vijay Kumar Saraswat, Scientific Advisor to the Defense Minister, was quoted as saying by The Times of India. The ballistic missile is capable of striking range of up to 5,000 kilometers and, reach targets as far away as northern China. China, Britain, France, U.S and Russia. are the only countries that have such capability. Agni-4 and 5 have better striking accuracy compared to their previous variants which missiles needed rail mobile launchers with an exhaustive infrastructure. The Indian Army already has in its service Agni 1-3 with a range between 700 and 3,500 kilometers, while Agni-4 remains in testing mode. Compared to previous Agni variants, the Agni 4 and 5 have a better striking precision and are based on mobile launchers.