Denel Signs MoU to Support SAAF Aircraft

  • 12:00 AM, March 28, 2012
  • 3293
Denel Aviation is growing in its strategic role to perform vital maintenance services on a wide range of aircraft flown by the South African Air Force (SAAF). The Chief Executive Officer of Denel Aviation, Michael Kgobe, says the partnership with the SAAF has just been strengthened with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding to promote collaboration and cooperation between the parties and to ensure that there is a consolidation and retention of capabilities and scarce skills. “We bring extensive experience, local knowledge and a strong record of flight safety to the relationship with the SAAF,” says Kgobe. “We provide the Air Force with a cost-effective maintenance service at a time when operational budgets are under severe pressure.” The Chief of the SAAF, Lt Gen Carlo Gagiano, has acknowledged the contribution of Denel Aviation to keep its transport workhorse, the Hercules C130, operationally available. Some of the C130s have been flying for more than 45 years and the quality of the maintenance and repair work done will ensure that they remain operational beyond 2020. The SAAF, on Friday (23 March) hosted an event at Air Force Base Waterkloof to highlight the importance of maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) work to ensure its fleet remains in excellent flying shape. Kgobe says the company’s partnership with the SAAF is based on a “win-win approach.”