Jordon Keen On Rosoboronexport's Multiple Launch Rocket System

  • 12:00 AM, May 11, 2012
  • 3207
Amidst rising tension in the Middle East, The Kingdom of Jordan has expressed its interest in the TOS-1 Buratina multiple launch rocket system. According to media reports, Russian arms maker Rosoboronexport has offered the launch rocket system to Jordan where the defense giant is partaking in the Special Operations Forces Exhibition and Conference Sofex-2012 in Amman. Valery Varlamov, head of Rosoboronexport’s delegation, said, “We have noticed that many delegations at the exhibition expressed high interest in this heavy flamethrower system. In particular, we are working on a project with Jordan on deploying this system on M-60 tank chassis”. Mounted on a T-72 tank chassis, the TOS-1 Buratino multiple rocket launching system is capable of carrying 30 rockets.