iRobot Receives $6M Orders from U.S. Army

  • 12:00 AM, May 30, 2012
  • 2585
iRobot Corp., a leader in delivering robotic technology-based solutions, has received two orders from the U.S. Army’s Robotic Systems Joint Program Office (RSJPO) totaling $6 million. The orders call for the delivery of spares for iRobot 510 PackBot robots, including operator control units, manipulator arms and radios. All deliveries will be completed by November 30, 2012. Modular, adaptable and expandable, 510 PackBot is a tactical mobile robot that keeps warfighters and first responders out of harm’s way. The robot is ideal for a variety of missions, including reconnaissance, route clearance, hazardous materials detection and bomb disposal. “Over the course of the past decade, PackBot has proven its worth as a life-saving tool in areas of conflict and for emergency response,” said Tim Trainer, interim general manager of iRobot’s Defense & Security business unit. “These robots represent a safer, more effective and more efficient way to conduct dangerous operations both on and off the battlefield. We believe that this technology is an important piece of the military’s future and are pleased that the Army continues to invest in its current fleet of robots.” iRobot has delivered more than 4,500 unmanned ground vehicles to military and civil defense forces worldwide.