Textron Wins $710M contract for TAPV Program from Canadian Army

  • 12:00 AM, June 11, 2012
  • 2816
The Canadian Army is rolling ahead with its plans to acquire a fleet of Tactical Armoured Patrol Vehicles. Associate Minister of National Defence Julian Fantino announced today that Textron Systems Canada Inc. has been selected to supply 500 vehicles for Regular and Reserve Forces. "Our investments in the Canadian Army now will provide our troops with the modern equipment they need to conduct their missions safely and effectively for decades to come." said the Associate Minister Fantino. The new TAPV fleet will complement the Light Utility Vehicle Wheeled (G-Wagon) fleet, and will be capable of fulfilling a number of roles on the battlefield, including reconnaissance, surveillance, security, command and control, cargo and armoured personnel carrier. "The Army is very focused on providing troops with the equipment they need for future combat missions. These vehicles help ensure that Canadian soldiers are ready for the battlefields of tomorrow," said Lieutenant-General Peter Devlin, Commander of the Canadian Army.