USAF Awards 12 IT Contracts Worth $960 Million

  • 12:00 AM, June 26, 2012
  • 2612
The Air Force has awarded 12 contracts worth $960 million that will make it quicker and easier for the warfighter to obtain innovative information technology services and capabilities covering the full spectrum of operations and missions. The Air Force's Network Centric Solutions-2 (NETCENTS-2) team awarded the first of two Application Services contracts that will be available for use by the Air Force. The contracts have a three-year base ordering period and four 12-month options and are expected to be available for ordering in August 2012. Winners of the contract include ActioNet, Inc; Array Information Technology Inc; Datum Software Inc.; Digital Management Inc.; Diligent Consulting Inc; Diversified Technical Services Inc.; DSD Laboratories Inc; Exeter Government Services LLC; Excellus Solutions LLC; IndraSoft; Segue Technologies; and SI Systems Technologies. "This mandatory contract is a significant opportunity for small businesses to support Air Force information technology requirements," said Denise Baylor, director of Small Business Programs for the Air Force's Program Executive Officer for Business and Enterprise Systems. "As a whole, the NETCENTS-2 strategy shows a commitment to maintaining a viable small business industrial base for future Air Force needs". The services and solutions delivered under NETCENTS-2 in support of Air Force operations will be subject to the oversight of an Air Force enterprise level governance structure and set of processes. The governance processes will employ systems engineering fundamentals, ensure adherence to the Air Force Enterprise Architecture and be implemented along with the normal reviews in the acquisition process. Further clarification of the governance structure is explained in the Application Services User's Guide. The Application Services contracts are one of seven sets of NETCENTS-2 ID/IQ contracts that include systems sustainment and development, migration, integration and netcentric data services. These contracts replace and add to the Air Force's existing NETCENTS contracts. Their combined ceiling is $24.2 billion, of which $11 billion will be available to small businesses through small business-only competitions and small business subcontracting requirements. Once fully awarded, the NETCENTS-2 contracts will be the Air Force's primary source of netcentric and IT products, services and solutions.