Oman To Get Electronic Warfare Systems From ITT Exelis

  • 12:00 AM, July 25, 2012
  • 2610
ITT Exelis has won a $23.6 million Foreign Military Sales (FMS) contract from Oman to provide electronic warfare defensive systems. The Oman Air Force will procure 12 airborne integrated defensive electronic warfare suites, as well as spares and support equipment. The Advanced Integrated Defensive Electronic Warfare System, or AIDEWS, is an integrated digital radar warning receiver and advanced jamming countermeasures system. It provides pilots with situational awareness and protection against radar-based threats, including modern surface-to-air and air-to-air weapon systems. “This award continues our support for a key international customer,” said Rich Sorelle, acting president of ITT Exelis Electronic Systems. “This flexible system will ensure that this valuable regional ally will have the needed defensive protection for F-16 aircraft”.