NHI Industries complaint delays Indian Navy Multi Role Helicopter Commercial Bids Opening

  • 12:00 AM, August 11, 2012
  • 3194
A complaint by European military helicopter manufacturer NHI Industries alleging that its rival helicopter Sikorsky S70B in the Indian competition for Multi role helicopters (MRH) does not meet the required quality standards, has led to delays in the commercial bids opening of the project, the Times of India reported quoting unnamed Indian defence officials. The report said quoting the officials, "both (Sikorsky S70B and NHI Industries NH 90 met the NSQRs (naval staff qualitative requirements) after the trials last year but the complaint has delayed the opening of commercial bids. It is being examined”. Defenseworld.net had earlier reported that NHI Industries has alleged in a communication to the Indian MoD that Sikorsky may have been granted “waivers” to meet the bid requirements and has itself sought similar “concessions” in the processing of its commercial bid. Both the contenders have been asked to extend the validity of their commercial bids till the end of this year.