India’s Coastal Radar Network Now Operational

  • 12:00 AM, August 29, 2012
  • 2787
As part of the coastal radar network built to provide security cover for India’s coastline, the Regional Operating Centre (ROC) at Mumbai and the Remote Operating Station (ROS) at Porbandar have been officially inducted into service on August 25. Developed by state-owned Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), a chain of Remote Sensor Stations were set up along the coastline of India as part of the coastal radar network. Static sensors such as Radars, VHF Communication Systems, Electro optic sensors and Meteorological Sensors are installed at these Remote Sensor Stations to monitor the coastline. A cluster of Remote Sensor Stations are linked to Remote Operating Stations, enabling transfer of real-time data. The Remote Operating Stations are linked to Regional Operating Centres, which in turn are connected to the Control Centre (CC). The Network Centric coastal radar network developed by BEL provides total scalable surveillance solution. The system presents the complete surveillance scenario on digital maps at a centralised Command Centre where the information is processed and archived. The system can also be used as an aid for search and rescue operations. The control centres provide the operator with all the required capabilities to remotely control the sensors on the network, present the tactical situation assessment picture, support mission planning such as interception, search and rescue and meet any user specific requirements.