Saab Premieres Soldier C2 Systems And Personal Radio Integration

  • 12:00 AM, September 4, 2012
  • 2540
Saab has introduced a personal radio integration for the 9LAND SOLDIER sPAD at the defence and security exhibition MSPO 2012 in Poland after introducing it for the first time at Eurosatory exhibition in Paris in June 2012. “Since Saab has a very good relationship with the Polish company Radmor S.A. in Gdynia, it was a natural choice for us to ask them for permission to use their Personal Soldier Radio 35010 for the integration with the 9LAND SOLDIER sPAD”, says Jyrki Kujansuu Marketing and Sales Director C2 Systems at Saab. The features of the PSR 35010 radio make it a good companion for the 9LAND SOLDIER sPad and together they create one of the lightest and smallest solutions of soldier C2 systems on the market. The integrated light weight solution makes the individual soldier more efficient to perform his or her mission and provides command as well as control capabilities and computer power.