CAE Introduces New UAS Mission Trainer

  • 12:00 AM, November 7, 2012
  • 3078
CAE today announced the launch of its UAS Mission Trainer product at the Unmanned Systems Canada conference. The CAE UAS Mission Trainer combines an open architecture with commercial-off-the-shelf hardware and simulation software to provide a comprehensive, platform-agnostic training system for UAS pilots, sensor operators, and mission commanders. "Unmanned systems are changing the nature of warfare and will continue to bring new capabilities to defence forces, and in the future will find a role in civil applications," said Gene Colabatistto, Group President, Military Products, Training and Services, CAE. "To fully leverage the capabilities of unmanned systems requires well-trained pilots and sensor operators, and integrating unmanned systems into the broader distributed mission operations environment. Our UAS Mission Trainer was specifically designed as an open, flexible product ideal for individual, crew, or networked training". The UAS Mission Trainer is platform-agnostic, meaning the product can be tailored to simulate any specific UAS with any sensor payload suite. Leveraging the common database (CDB) open architecture and commercially available technology, CAE's UAS Mission Trainer is not subject to any international traffic in arms regulations (ITAR) or restrictions. The completely immersive synthetic environment provides capabilities for training as well as mission planning and mission rehearsal. "By addressing the often difficult integration issues and basing our product on an open architecture and COTS software, we have developed a cost-effective, low-risk UAS Mission Trainer that will help customers train and prepare their UAS mission crews," said Colabatistto.