Russia To Export Ka-62 Helicopters To Brazil

  • 12:00 AM, December 18, 2012
  • 3779
Russian Helicopters, subsidiary of state defence holding Oboronprom, has signed its first export contract for the medium multirole Ka-62 with Brazilian Atlas Táxi Aéreo. Seven Ka-62s are scheduled for delivery within the period of first quarter 2015 to first quarter 2016. Testing of the Ka-62 is scheduled to start in 2013, and Russian Helicopters is targeting certification for international use by 2015. Under the contract with Atlas Táxi Aéreo, Russian Helicopters and its regional partners will establish a service centre providing after-sales care and maintenance in Brazil. The Ka-62’s spacious and comfortable cabin makes it ideally suited for corporate use and carrying passengers, as well as special operations. Atlas Táxi Aéreo already operates medium multirole Mi-171A1s which were delivered last year. This helicopter won a tender from Petrobras, the Brazilian national oil company, and the fleet will be expanded in the future. The Brazilian Air Force employs a fleet of Russian Mi-35M multi-purpose attack helicopters, the newest consignment of which were delivered in August of this year under a contract with Rosoboronexport OJSC. According to the Brazilian Defence Ministry, the Mi-35M is an advanced attack helicopter with high firepower that can be used to escort other helicopters, isolate a combat zone or provide artillery support to ground forces. Russian helicopters were the first specialized attack helicopters integrated into the Brazilian Air Force fleet.