U.S Navy To Acquire Additional Ospreys

  • 12:00 AM, January 2, 2013
  • 2706
The U.S Navy has awarded Bell-Boeing a $1.4 billion modification to an existing contract to build 22 V-22 Ospreys. The contact modification includes funding for 17 MV-22s, the Marine Corps Osprey version, and four CV-22s for Air Force Special Operations. The contract modification also provides funding to buy components to build 19 MV-22s and 18 CV-22s in fiscal 2014. The Ospreys will provide logistical support and carry other passengers and VIPs during flights by Marine One, the president’s helicopter, according to Naval Air Systems Command. The first MV-22 is on schedule to be delivered to Marine Helicopter Squadron One in early 2013, Bell spokeswoman JJ Walker said. The MV-22s will replace the CH-46E helicopters now operating with the squadron.