Israel’s Missile Detection System To Be Enabled By 99 Per Cent

  • Our Bureau
  • 12:32 PM, January 18, 2013
  • 2185

The Israel Air Defense Formation’s new missile detection system will achieve more precise operations than current systems, enabling 99% incoming missile detection, while minimizing false alarms, according to an official statement.

The new system will scan the attack area more precisely, resulting in fewer false alarms interrupting citizens’ daily life.

Maj. Ofir Walfish, commander of the IAF center for rocket and missile detection, said, “The new, advanced system will be better suited to all operational levels and detection issues. This will allow early alerts that will be activated in specific zones. Managed by sensors, the control system, invented by defense and the IAF will soon replace older systems”.

Since its implementation over two years ago, the Israel Air Defense Formation has undergone significant changes in structure and organization.

The Magic Wand and the Arrow III missile, two highly advanced and high-tech systems were implemented in IDF units, in mid-2012.