Germany Scales Down NH90, Tiger Helicopter Orders

  • Our Bureau
  • 02:09 PM, March 18, 2013
  • 3992

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed today between the German MoD and the industrial prime contractor in Germany for the Tiger support helicopter (UHT) and the NATO Helicopter NH90. The two sides have agreed to a reduction of the number of these helicopters already ordered, the total number of NH90s will be reduced from 122 to 82, and the number of Tiger UHTs will be reduced from 80 to 57. 

The final number of 57 Tiger UHTs will be attained because the manufacturer has committed to buy back at a later date 11 UHTs that have already been delivered. In addition, the Bundeswehr will also receive 18 NFR90 naval helicopters, which are derived from the NH90.

The financial envelope freed up by implementation of the MoU and returned to the defense budget is substantial, a German MoD press release said.

The new agreement for UHT and NH90 also aims to avoid having a negative impact on the other nations participating in these programs.

This is an important milestone for the significant restructuring of these two major weapons systems of the Bundeswehr. It will now be implemented by a new contract to be signed with industry. 

As part of the reorientation of the Bundeswehr, Defense Minister Thomas de Maizière decided in 2011 to adapt the main weapons systems to the revised needs of the armed forces. 

Negotiations have been underway with the concerned security and defense manufacturers. A constructive agreement has now been reached to adjust the quantity of helicopters.