General Dynamics’ D-VEX Video Exploitation System Receives High Praise

  • Our Bureau
  • 04:10 PM, March 19, 2013
  • 3674

General Dynamics Mediaware was awarded the National Defence Industry Innovation Award at the 2013 Australian International Airshow and Aerospace and Defence Exposition.


The Highly Commended certificate is an honour, which recognises and rewards the efforts and achievements of innovative Australian companies and individuals in the aerospace industry.

D-VEX is the next-generation tactical video exploitation system for real-time analysis of full motion video from fixed and airborne surveillance platforms.End-to-end video exploitation system helps manage large volumes of full motion video and enhances the distribution of mission-critical, actionable intelligence to forward-deployed forces.


Currently deployed in Afghanistan by the Australian Defence Force, D-VEX provides operators with intuitive tools for enhancing, streamlining and analysing live and recorded video with linked map displays to provide forward-deployed forces with situational awareness.


D-Vex is specifically designed for in-theatre operations where ease-of-use and low system overhead are vital, the commercial off-the-shelf nature of D-VEX and its ability to run on standard rack-mounted and mobile hardware are extremely important to today's warfighter, allowing to filter hours of video down to critical few minutes  essential for providing forward-deployed forces with enhanced situational awareness.