HGH Systems Introduces New Wide Area Surveillance Camera

  • Our Bureau
  • 09:49 AM, April 22, 2013
  • 2713

HGH Infrared Systems, a global provider of 360 degree thermal imaging systems, has announced the debut of their new high resolution system for Wide Area Surveillance. The new camera, the Spynel-S, features a new look and a longer detection range, displaying panoramic thermal images with an impressive resolution up to 30 Mpix. Associated with Cyclope advanced motion detection software, it provides unprecedented real-time security against conventional and asymmetrical threats, in the whole surroundings, up to the horizon.

Spynel-S is the latest innovation from our R&D department, to significantly enhance the detection range of 360-degree thermal cameras for situational awareness applications” said Thierry Campos, CEO of HGH Infrared Systems. “It represents an exciting step beyond in passive panoramic surveillance”.

The Spynel-S comes to the market at an opportune time as HGH has a high demand for long range passive automatic threat detection system, especially in the maritime market. With a large mid-wave infrared focal plane array, Spynel-S exhibits high performance, especially in warm and humid regions. Working night and day, with a visual image of the whole panorama, the Spynel-S detects and tracks unlimited movements over several kilometers in all types of weather.

To fulfill all passive surveillance requirements for air, land and maritime applications, 3 different Spinel-S variations are available, with different vertical fields-of-view (5°, 10° and 20°). It will give early intrusion alert of targets, such as crawling men, small wooden boats, RIBs, UAVs, stealth aircrafts. Any human trespassing within 100 square-km area around the sensor will be spotted and tracked on Cyclope display.