Raytheon Successfully Tested RAM Block 2 missiles

  • Our Bureau
  • 08:32 AM, June 3, 2013
  • 3556

The U.S. Navy completed the first series of developmental and operational testing (DT/OT) of Raytheon's Rolling Airframe Missile Block 2, Raytheon officials recently announced. 


The DT/OT tests successfully engaged high-speed, maneuvering and sub-sonic, maneuvering targets with all four RAM Block 2 missiles meeting test objectives.RAM Block 2 missiles engaged two targets in tactical dual-salvo scenarios designed to demonstrate the advanced missile's defensive capabilities.


"RAM Block 2's success in these developmental tests follows the completion of a series of guidance test vehicle flight tests," said Rick Nelson, vice president of Raytheon Missile Systems' Naval and Area Mission Defense product line. "RAM Block 2's increased kinematic capability and its advanced guidance system will continue to give the warfighter an unfair advantage in the fight."


The RAM Block 2 upgrade includes a four-axis independent control actuator system and an increase in rocket motor capability, increasing the missile's effective range and delivering a significant increase in maneuverability. The improved missile also incorporates an upgraded passive radio frequency seeker, a digital autopilot and engineering changes in selected infrared seeker components.


RAM is installed, or planned for installation, aboard more than 165 ships as an integral self-defense weapon for the navies of Egypt, Germany, Greece, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates and the United States.


The company received a $155.6 million Block 2 production contract for the German navy earlier this year, as officials reported.