France To Buy U.S MQ-9 Drones

  • Our Bureau
  • 02:35 PM, June 3, 2013
  • 3596

France has decided to buy two General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper medium-altitude long endurance (MALE) drones from U.S which will be delivered by 2013.

This comes after the France’s Harfang drones end their planned mission in 2014.

According to the French Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian the French Air Force desperately need the new drones to address the immediate situation in the Sahel region.

The procurement of the two Reapers is also considered an interim phase, until France is capable of establishing its own drones, considered as the centerpiece of future intelligence and combat operations.

France is currently interested in MALE drones designed for strategic reconnaissance and attack missions.