Bell Helicopter Signs Fourteen Aircraft Agreements At Aviation Expo China 2013

  • Our Bureau
  • 02:14 PM, October 7, 2013
  • 2292

Bell Helicopter signed an agreement to sell two Bell 407GXs to General Dynamic Aero Industry at the Aviation Expo China 2013.

"The Bell 407GX continues to gain momentum in China," said Chris Jaran, managing director, China. "Its range and capabilities, combined with the modern avionics package, make it an excellent choice for the Chinese market." 

This agreement was signed one day after Bell Helicopter announced the sale of 12 aircraft to Reignwood Investment Co., Ltd. 

"Our customers continue to diversify their operations and require aircraft that can meet multiple mission criteria," said Jaran. "The versatility of Bell Helicopter's aircraft makes them an ideal solution. We customized General Dynamic's Bell 407GXs with a multi-mission configuration so they can take full advantage of the aircraft's capabilities." 

Just prior the show, Bell Helicopter inked agreements for the sale of an additional four aircraft: one Bell 407GX, one Bell 407GX and two Bell 206L4s.