General Dynamics To Modernize US Air Force Network Security Globally

  • Our Bureau
  • 08:42 AM, November 13, 2013
  • 5047

General Dynamics has won a Network-Centric Solutions (NETCENTS) contract valued $25.3 million in order to provide modernized base-level network security boundary support to the U.S. Air Force.

Under this award, General Dynamics will support the Enclave Non-classified Internet Protocol Router Network Firewall and Automated Security Incident Management Sustainment (ENFAAS) program.  This includes network management upgrades at the Air Force Integrated Network Operations and Security Centers and Air Force Computer Emergency Response Team locations.  The company also will support Air Force Network (AFNet) security requirements and increase visibility into network traffic across the Air Force Non-classified Internet Protocol Router Network (NIPRNet).  Work will be performed at General Dynamics facilities in Needham, Mass., and Oklahoma City, Okla., as well as various Air Force locations worldwide.

"General Dynamics will leverage more than 20 years of experience designing and integrating cyber systems and networks for all components of the Department of Defense to offer the Air Force a cost-effective, reliable approach to meet the needs of this top priority cyber program," said Charlie Plummer, vice president and general manager of General Dynamics Information Technology's IT Solutions sector. "We look forward to continuing our trusted partnership with the Air Force and supporting Air Force cyber mission objectives worldwide."

General Dynamics is the systems integrator for the Air Force NIPRNet Gateway Program, as well as prime contractor for seven Base Information Transport Infrastructure contracts and the Host Based Security System Modernization and Sustainment contract.  The company also has implemented multiple Combat Information Transport System projects and supported AFNet modernization efforts for more than 20 years.


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