Airbus/Boeing Disputes: MEPs Defend the European Aircraft Industry

  • (Source: European Parliament)
  • 12:00 AM, July 11, 2008
  • 1020
MEPs support the defence of EU interests in the pending dispute settlement proceedings before the WTO, in a resolution adopted with 589 votes in favour, 53 against and 64 abstentions. Airbus/Boeing disputes over subsidies should be ruled out in the coming weeks. Implementing fair competition rules is among the recommendations sent by MEPs to the European Commission.>> According to MEPs, the contract award to the Northrop Grumman Corporation EADS team for the US aerial tanker recapitalization program was based on "neutral criteria" to identify and place "the best and most suitable equipment" in the hands of the US Air Force (USAF).>> On June 18, the GAO (Government Accountability Office) recommended that the US Air Force re-open the bidding process over tankers. The report of the Government Accountability Office sustaining Boeing's bid protest is recognised as an evaluation merely of the selection process and not the merits of the aircraft. Parliament reaffirms its belief that the integrity of the US Department of Defence procurement process will remain intact for all competitors.>> Parliament is concerned with the "bitter attacks" of Boeing and the US Congress portraying EADS operations and certain Member States as "unreliable aerospace partners" and a "security risk" to US military readiness.>> More generally, the House calls on the Commission - which defends Member States' interests and the EU civil aircraft industry - to ensure that any anti-competitive actions in legislation or executive policy that would improperly restrict the ability of EU companies to compete in either civil or military programmes should be met with the "appropriate response by the EU and its Member States, if necessary on a case-by-case basis.