Poland To Upgrade PZL-130 Orlik Training Aircraft

  • Our Bureau
  • 03:13 PM, January 15, 2014
  • 3597

Poland has issued a request for proposal (RFP) to upgrade its 12 PZL-130 Orlik training aircraft to a version with Glass Cockpit.

The Armament Inspectorate has launched a market analysis for the modernization of 12 school-training PZL-130 Orlik TC-I version TC-II Glass Cockpit, adding that participating companies can send their offers by January end.

“In the next stage, selected companies will be invited to a technical dialogue,” says informs Lt. Col. Margaret Ossolinska, nee Jablonowska, a spokeswoman for the Inspectorate of Armaments. According to current plans, the upgrade is to be completed by 2018.

The proposal states the Orlik Glass Cockpit version will be equipped with the same cabin as the F-16 Block 52+ fighters. The solution will facilitate the training of pilots who will progress from the Orlik basic trainer to the AJT for advanced training (In December the Italian M-346 Master was selected to replace worn-out Iskras), and then to the multi-role F-16.

The modernized aircraft also will have modern multiple flat screens, including for the pilot’s flight parameters. The cabin will be equipped with HOTAS (Hands On Throttle And Stick -- buttons on the stick for steering and engine control lever). In addition, the planes will have the autopilot or flight stabilizer, modern radios and a special propeller-engine, which protects against the effects of aircraft icing.

The company which will modernize the Eaglets will also have to provide the military with a logistics package covering 20 years of operation, and also provide a flight simulator for the PZL-130 Orlik TC-II Glass Cockpit.

The Polish Air Force currently uses Orliks for the basic training of Officer School cadets at Deblin. Two versions of the basic design are in service, the PZL-130 TC-I (12 units) and the TC-II Garmin (16 units).