Boeing Co. said it has signed a $4
Finmeccanica, through its [subsidiary] company DRS Technologies, Inc., has reached $100 million in U
Oshkosh Corporation, today announced that its Defense Division received a delivery order to an existing contract valued at more than $158 million from the U.S
Russia will supply Vietnam with 12 SU-30MK2 fighter jets and aviation equipment worth $1 billion, a military-diplomatic source told to a news agency. According to reports, “Last week, a contract was signed to supply Vietnam with 12 more SU-30MK2 fighter planes
At the venue of EDA’s Annual Conference 2010 on “Bridging Efforts – Connecting Civilian Security and Military Capability Development”, the European Defence Agency (EDA) and the European Space Agency (ESA) signed contracts with two consortia regarding feasibility studies on “Satellite Services for the integration of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) into European Airspace”. EDA's Chief Executive, Mr
After its huge proclaimed success in April 2009, Security Middle East Show - SMES 2011 registers a high number of early reservations for the upcoming version to take place on 07-09 April 2011 in BIEL – Beirut, Lebanon. SMES 2011 exhibitors continue to benefit from the early reservation discount especially after the organizers; the Institute for Near East and Gulf Military Analysis - INEGMA, lowered the rates for the 2011 edition
Astrium has been awarded a follow-on contract for the delivery of a second set of sub-systems to the Turkish Navy’s MILGEM satcom programme. The sub-systems will be provided by Astrium Services’ Secure Satcom Systems, through Aselsan, the prime communications contractor for the Turkish Armed Forces
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin says Moscow has agreed to sell Libya weapons in a $1.8 billion deal
McDermott International, Inc. announced today that The Babcock & Wilcox Company (“B&W”), through a subsidiary, has received an award of approximately $450 million for the manufacture of nuclear components to support U
Oshkosh Corporation today announced its Defense division received two delivery orders valued at more than $325 million from the U.S