Ukraine and Thailand have signed an agreement on joint production of BTR-3 armored fighting vehicles (AFV) in Thailand, the press service of the Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) has reported. "The agreement was signed as part of the Ukrainian delegation's participation in the Defense & Security 2015 international exhibition held in Bangkok
Lockheed Martin anticipates closing the acquisition on Friday, Nov 6. Lockheed Martin has received the final regulatory approval needed to close its acquisition of Sikorsky Aircraft
Uk based Blue Bear Systems Research (BBSR) company is promoting its autonomous sonobuoy deployment (ASD) capability that enhances anti-submarine warfare (ASW) operations. The company sees potential for ASD, which is designed for use with both manned and unmanned rotary wing and fixed wing maritime platforms
Lockheed Martin has won an $85 million contract to provide seven AN/TPQ-53 (Q-53) counter fire target acquisition radar to the US army. Additionally, the company was selected in June to upgrade 19 of the US Armys Q-53 radars, Lockheed Martin announced Monday
In 2015, Kalashnikov had increased supplies of firearms by nearly nine times in absolute terms and fivefold in cash terms over 2014 in Asia. “We have been able to come back and strengthen cooperation with Asia-Pacific nations
India had enough weapon-grade plutonium to possess an estimated stock of atomic weapons in the range of 75-125 in 2014 compared to Pakistans 110-130 nuclear warheads during the same period. In a report published Monday by US based Institute for Science and International Security, India has one of the largest nuclear power programs among the developing nations
South Korea and Japan are aggressively targeting the Asian defense market, which had long been dominated by the US, the U.K
The Croatian Navy has test-fired a Saab RBS15 anti-ship missile from its vessel. The second firing test of an RBS15 anti-ship missile has taken place at the beginning of October
Russia plans to intensify space launches using converted ballistic missiles, including the Satan missile by 2017. “We are currently creating the next generation of a system that is unified and may serve space launches of not only the RS-20B, but also other types of missiles that have been removed from military service
Russian Helicopters plans to upgrade its maintenance center in Cuba to provide aftersales service to Soviet-era and current Russian military and commercial helicopters in Latin American and the Caribbean. After sales service provision for helicopters operated in Latin America and the Caribbean will draw on the production capacity at the Yu