The first of 17 upgraded KC-135 Stratotankers landed for routine maintenance, the USAF said in a statement. This KC-135 features Block 45 upgrades which are designed to modernize the decades-old aircraft and improve its life expectancy
As state-run aircraft manufacturer Russian Helicopters benefit from growing sales of its choppers worldwide, the company has adopted an advanced after-sales service system like its western counterparts. The maintenance will be easier with the widespread introduction of information technology and spare parts will be available for order online and aircraft documentation will be offered in electronic format
The Iraqi government has announced its plans to purchase Czech-made Aero Vodochody L-159 advanced trainer/light-attack jets. The announcement comes on Thursday as Iraq's Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki visits Prague to hold talks with his Czech counterpart Petr Necas
While NATO nations make large cuts to their defense budgets for the next fiscal year, Asian and Eastern European countries are taking advantage of their increased budgets. However, despite the decrease in defense budgets this year, it does not gap the wide difference in budgets between the two realms
Russia will supply 30 Mil Mi-28NE attack helicopters, 50 Pantsir-S1 gun-missile short-range air defense systems and mobile air-defense systems to Iraq in a deal worth $4.2 billion
DARPA’s two-year Autonomous High-Altitude Refueling (AHR) program has successfully explored the ability to safely conduct fully autonomous refueling of UAVs in challenging high-altitude flight conditions. During its final test flight, two modified Global Hawk aircraft flew in close formation, 100 feet or less between refueling probe and receiver drogue, for the majority of a 2
BAE Systems introduced the latest 6x6 variant of the RG35 family of vehicles – the RG35 multi-purpose blast protected fighting vehicle – at the 2012 Africa Aerospace and Defence exhibition (AAD). “The RG35 family of vehicles incorporates 30 years of experience in tactical mobility and protection,” said Johan Steyn, managing director, Land Systems South Africa
The U.S’ second Advanced Extremely High Frequency satellite has reached geosynchronous reached orbit after a four-month journey
Thousands of Japanese civilians who were protesting against the deployment of the U.S Osprey can heave a sigh of relief now
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s (DARPA) Legged Squad Support System (LS3) program today demonstrated two robotic pack mule prototypes for the Commandant of the Marine Corps. Earlier this year DARPA and the Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory (MCWL) began a two year platform-refinement test cycle with the first DARPA/MCWL-hosted test planned for December 2012 on a military base